- AddCustomOpDomain
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, OrtCustomOpDomain* custom_op_domain) AddCustomOpDomain;
Undocumented in source.
- AddFreeDimensionOverride
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, const(char)* symbolic_dim, long dim_override) AddFreeDimensionOverride;
Undocumented in source.
- AllocatorAlloc
OrtStatus* function(OrtAllocator* ptr, size_t size, void** out_) AllocatorAlloc;
Undocumented in source.
- AllocatorFree
OrtStatus* function(OrtAllocator* ptr, void* p) AllocatorFree;
Undocumented in source.
- AllocatorGetInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtAllocator)* ptr, const(OrtMemoryInfo*)* out_) AllocatorGetInfo;
Undocumented in source.
- CastTypeInfoToMapTypeInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtTypeInfo)* type_info, const(OrtMapTypeInfo*)* out_) CastTypeInfoToMapTypeInfo;
* This api augments OrtTypeInfo to return an OrtMapTypeInfo when the type is a map.
* The OrtMapTypeInfo has additional information about the map's key type and value type.
* This is used by WinML to support model reflection APIs.
* Don't free the 'out' value
- CastTypeInfoToSequenceTypeInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtTypeInfo)* type_info, const(OrtSequenceTypeInfo*)* out_) CastTypeInfoToSequenceTypeInfo;
* This api augments OrtTypeInfo to return an OrtSequenceTypeInfo when the type is a sequence.
* The OrtSequenceTypeInfo has additional information about the sequence's element type.
This is used by WinML to support model reflection APIs.
* Don't free the 'out' value
- CastTypeInfoToTensorInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtTypeInfo)*, const(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo*)* out_) CastTypeInfoToTensorInfo;
Don't free the 'out' value
- CloneSessionOptions
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSessionOptions)* in_options, OrtSessionOptions** out_options) CloneSessionOptions;
Undocumented in source.
- CompareMemoryInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtMemoryInfo)* info1, const(OrtMemoryInfo)* info2, int* out_) CompareMemoryInfo;
Test if two memory info are equal
\Sets 'out' to 0 if equal, -1 if not equal
- CreateCpuMemoryInfo
OrtStatus* function(OrtAllocatorType type, OrtMemType mem_type1, OrtMemoryInfo** out_) CreateCpuMemoryInfo;
Convenience function for special case of CreateMemoryInfo, for the CPU allocator. Uses name = "Cpu" and id = 0.
- CreateCustomOpDomain
OrtStatus* function(const(char)* domain, OrtCustomOpDomain** out_) CreateCustomOpDomain;
Undocumented in source.
- CreateEnv
OrtStatus* function(OrtLoggingLevel default_logging_level, const(char)* logid, OrtEnv** out_) CreateEnv;
\param out Should be freed by OrtReleaseEnv after use
- CreateEnvWithCustomLogger
OrtStatus* function(OrtLoggingFunction logging_function, void* logger_param, OrtLoggingLevel default_warning_level, const(char)* logid, OrtEnv** out_) CreateEnvWithCustomLogger;
\param out Should be freed by OrtReleaseEnv after use
- CreateMemoryInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(char)* name1, OrtAllocatorType type, int id1, OrtMemType mem_type1, OrtMemoryInfo** out_) CreateMemoryInfo;
Undocumented in source.
- CreateOpaqueValue
OrtStatus* function(const(char)* domain_name, const(char)* type_name, const(void)* data_container, size_t data_container_size, OrtValue** out_) CreateOpaqueValue;
Construct OrtValue that contains a value of non-standard type created for
experiments or while awaiting standardization. OrtValue in this case would contain
an internal representation of the Opaque type. Opaque types are distinguished between
each other by two strings 1) domain and 2) type name. The combination of the two
must be unique, so the type representation is properly identified internally. The combination
must be properly registered from within ORT at both compile/run time or by another API.
- CreateRunOptions
OrtStatus* function(OrtRunOptions** out_) CreateRunOptions;
\return A pointer to the newly created object. The pointer should be freed by OrtReleaseRunOptions after use
- CreateSession
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtEnv)* env, const(wchar_t)* model_path, const(OrtSessionOptions)* options, OrtSession** out_) CreateSession;
Undocumented in source.
- CreateSessionFromArray
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtEnv)* env, const(void)* model_data, size_t model_data_length, const(OrtSessionOptions)* options, OrtSession** out_) CreateSessionFromArray;
Undocumented in source.
- CreateSessionOptions
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions** options) CreateSessionOptions;
\return A pointer of the newly created object. The pointer should be freed by OrtReleaseSessionOptions after use
- CreateStatus
OrtStatus* function(OrtErrorCode code, const(char)* msg) CreateStatus;
\param msg A null-terminated string. Its content will be copied into the newly created OrtStatus
- CreateTensorAsOrtValue
OrtStatus* function(OrtAllocator* allocator, const(long)* shape, size_t shape_len, ONNXTensorElementDataType type, OrtValue** out_) CreateTensorAsOrtValue;
Create a tensor from an allocator. OrtReleaseValue will also release the buffer inside the output value
\param out Should be freed by calling OrtReleaseValue
\param type must be one of TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_xxxx
- CreateTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
OrtStatus* function(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo** out_) CreateTensorTypeAndShapeInfo;
The 'out' value should be released by calling OrtReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtMemoryInfo)* info, void* p_data, size_t p_data_len, const(long)* shape, size_t shape_len, ONNXTensorElementDataType type, OrtValue** out_) CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue;
Create a tensor with user's buffer. You can fill the buffer either before calling this function or after.
p_data is owned by caller. OrtReleaseValue won't release p_data.
\param out Should be freed by calling OrtReleaseValue
- CreateValue
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtValue*)* in_, size_t num_values, ONNXType value_type, OrtValue** out_) CreateValue;
To construct a map, use num_values = 2 and 'in' should be an arrary of 2 OrtValues
representing keys and values.
To construct a sequence, use num_values = N where N is the number of the elements in the
sequence. 'in' should be an arrary of N OrtValues.
\value_type should be either map or sequence.
- CustomOpDomain_Add
OrtStatus* function(OrtCustomOpDomain* custom_op_domain, OrtCustomOp* op) CustomOpDomain_Add;
Undocumented in source.
- DisableCpuMemArena
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options) DisableCpuMemArena;
Undocumented in source.
- DisableMemPattern
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options) DisableMemPattern;
Undocumented in source.
- DisableProfiling
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options) DisableProfiling;
Undocumented in source.
- DisableTelemetryEvents
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtEnv)* env) DisableTelemetryEvents;
Undocumented in source.
- EnableCpuMemArena
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options) EnableCpuMemArena;
Undocumented in source.
- EnableMemPattern
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options) EnableMemPattern;
Undocumented in source.
- EnableProfiling
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, const(wchar_t)* profile_file_prefix) EnableProfiling;
Undocumented in source.
- EnableTelemetryEvents
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtEnv)* env) EnableTelemetryEvents;
Undocumented in source.
- FillStringTensor
OrtStatus* function(OrtValue* value, const(char*)* s, size_t s_len) FillStringTensor;
\param value A tensor created from OrtCreateTensor... function.
\param s each A string array. Each string in this array must be null terminated.
\param s_len length of s
- GetAllocatorWithDefaultOptions
OrtStatus* function(OrtAllocator** out_) GetAllocatorWithDefaultOptions;
Undocumented in source.
- GetDenotationFromTypeInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtTypeInfo)*, const char** denotation, size_t* len) GetDenotationFromTypeInfo;
* This api augments OrtTypeInfo to return denotations on the type.
* This is used by WinML to determine if an input/output is intended to be an Image or a Tensor.
- GetDimensions
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo)* info, long* dim_values, size_t dim_values_length) GetDimensions;
Undocumented in source.
- GetDimensionsCount
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo)* info, size_t* out_) GetDimensionsCount;
Undocumented in source.
- GetErrorCode
OrtErrorCode function(const(OrtStatus)* status) GetErrorCode;
Undocumented in source.
- GetErrorMessage
const(char)* function(const(OrtStatus)* status) GetErrorMessage;
\param status must not be NULL
\return The error message inside the status. Do not free the returned value.
- GetMapKeyType
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtMapTypeInfo)* map_type_info, ONNXTensorElementDataType* out_) GetMapKeyType;
* This api augments get the key type of a map. Key types are restricted to being scalar types and use ONNXTensorElementDataType.
* This is used by WinML to support model reflection APIs.
- GetMapValueType
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtMapTypeInfo)* map_type_info, OrtTypeInfo** type_info) GetMapValueType;
* This api augments get the value type of a map.
- GetOnnxTypeFromTypeInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtTypeInfo)*, ONNXType* out_) GetOnnxTypeFromTypeInfo;
Return OnnxType from OrtTypeInfo
- GetOpaqueValue
OrtStatus* function(const(char)* domain_name, const(char)* type_name, const(OrtValue)* in_, void* data_container, size_t data_container_size) GetOpaqueValue;
Fetch data from an OrtValue that contains a value of non-standard type created for
experiments or while awaiting standardization.
\domain_name - domain name for the Opaque type, null terminated.
\type_name - type name for the Opaque type, null terminated.
\data_contianer - data to populate OrtValue
\data_container_size - sizeof() of the data container. Must match the sizeof() of the expected
data_container size internally.
- GetSequenceElementType
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSequenceTypeInfo)* sequence_type_info, OrtTypeInfo** type_info) GetSequenceElementType;
* This api augments get the element type of a sequence.
* This is used by WinML to support model reflection APIs.
- GetStringTensorContent
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtValue)* value, void* s, size_t s_len, size_t* offsets, size_t offsets_len) GetStringTensorContent;
\param s string contents. Each string is NOT null-terminated.
\param value A tensor created from OrtCreateTensor... function.
\param s_len total data length, get it from OrtGetStringTensorDataLength
- GetStringTensorDataLength
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtValue)* value, size_t* len) GetStringTensorDataLength;
\param value A tensor created from OrtCreateTensor... function.
\param len total data length, not including the trailing '\0' chars.
- GetSymbolicDimensions
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo)* info, const(char*)* dim_params, size_t dim_params_length) GetSymbolicDimensions;
Undocumented in source.
- GetTensorElementType
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo)*, ONNXTensorElementDataType* out_) GetTensorElementType;
Undocumented in source.
- GetTensorMutableData
OrtStatus* function(OrtValue* value, void** out_) GetTensorMutableData;
Undocumented in source.
- GetTensorShapeElementCount
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo)* info, size_t* out_) GetTensorShapeElementCount;
Return the number of elements specified by the tensor shape.
Return a negative value if unknown (i.e., any dimension is negative.)
[] -> 1
[1,3,4] -> 12
[2,0,4] -> 0
[-1,3,4] -> -1
- GetTensorTypeAndShape
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtValue)* value, OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo** out_) GetTensorTypeAndShape;
\param out Should be freed by OrtReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo after use
- GetTypeInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtValue)* value, OrtTypeInfo** out_) GetTypeInfo;
Get the type information of an OrtValue
\param value
\param out The returned value should be freed by OrtReleaseTypeInfo after use
- GetValue
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtValue)* value, int index, OrtAllocator* allocator, OrtValue** out_) GetValue;
If input OrtValue represents a map, you need to retrieve the keys and values
separately. Use index=0 to retrieve keys and index=1 to retrieve values.
If input OrtValue represents a sequence, use index to retrieve the index'th element
of the sequence.
- GetValueCount
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtValue)* value, size_t* out_) GetValueCount;
Returns 2 for type map and N for sequence where N is the number of elements
in the sequence.
- GetValueType
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtValue)* value, ONNXType* out_) GetValueType;
Undocumented in source.
- IsTensor
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtValue)* value, int* out_) IsTensor;
\Sets *out to 1 iff an OrtValue is a tensor, 0 otherwise
- KernelContext_GetInput
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtKernelContext)* context, size_t index, const(OrtValue*)* out_) KernelContext_GetInput;
Undocumented in source.
- KernelContext_GetInputCount
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtKernelContext)* context, size_t* out_) KernelContext_GetInputCount;
Undocumented in source.
- KernelContext_GetOutput
OrtStatus* function(OrtKernelContext* context, size_t index, const(long)* dim_values, size_t dim_count, OrtValue** out_) KernelContext_GetOutput;
Undocumented in source.
- KernelContext_GetOutputCount
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtKernelContext)* context, size_t* out_) KernelContext_GetOutputCount;
Undocumented in source.
- KernelInfoGetAttribute_float
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtKernelInfo)* info, const(char)* name, float* out_) KernelInfoGetAttribute_float;
Undocumented in source.
- KernelInfoGetAttribute_int64
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtKernelInfo)* info, const(char)* name, long* out_) KernelInfoGetAttribute_int64;
Undocumented in source.
- KernelInfoGetAttribute_string
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtKernelInfo)* info, const(char)* name, char* out_, size_t* size) KernelInfoGetAttribute_string;
Undocumented in source.
- MemoryInfoGetId
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtMemoryInfo)* ptr, int* out_) MemoryInfoGetId;
Undocumented in source.
- MemoryInfoGetMemType
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtMemoryInfo)* ptr, OrtMemType* out_) MemoryInfoGetMemType;
Undocumented in source.
- MemoryInfoGetName
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtMemoryInfo)* ptr, const(char*)* out_) MemoryInfoGetName;
Do not free the returned value
- MemoryInfoGetType
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtMemoryInfo)* ptr, OrtAllocatorType* out_) MemoryInfoGetType;
Undocumented in source.
- ModelMetadataGetDescription
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtModelMetadata)* model_metadata, OrtAllocator* allocator, char** value) ModelMetadataGetDescription;
Undocumented in source.
- ModelMetadataGetDomain
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtModelMetadata)* model_metadata, OrtAllocator* allocator, char** value) ModelMetadataGetDomain;
Undocumented in source.
- ModelMetadataGetGraphName
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtModelMetadata)* model_metadata, OrtAllocator* allocator, char** value) ModelMetadataGetGraphName;
Undocumented in source.
- ModelMetadataGetProducerName
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtModelMetadata)* model_metadata, OrtAllocator* allocator, char** value) ModelMetadataGetProducerName;
\param value is set to a null terminated string allocated using 'allocator'. The caller is responsible for freeing it.
- ModelMetadataGetVersion
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtModelMetadata)* model_metadata, long* value) ModelMetadataGetVersion;
Undocumented in source.
- ModelMetadataLookupCustomMetadataMap
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtModelMetadata)* model_metadata, OrtAllocator* allocator, const(char)* key, char** value) ModelMetadataLookupCustomMetadataMap;
\param value is set to a null terminated string allocated using 'allocator'. The caller is responsible for freeing it.
'value' will be a nullptr if the given key is not found in the custom metadata map.
- RegisterCustomOpsLibrary
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, const(char)* library_path, void** library_handle) RegisterCustomOpsLibrary;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseCustomOpDomain
void function(OrtCustomOpDomain* input) ReleaseCustomOpDomain;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseEnv
void function(OrtEnv* input) ReleaseEnv;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseMapTypeInfo
void function(OrtMapTypeInfo* input) ReleaseMapTypeInfo;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseMemoryInfo
void function(OrtMemoryInfo* input) ReleaseMemoryInfo;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseModelMetadata
void function(OrtModelMetadata* input) ReleaseModelMetadata;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseRunOptions
void function(OrtRunOptions* input) ReleaseRunOptions;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseSequenceTypeInfo
void function(OrtSequenceTypeInfo* input) ReleaseSequenceTypeInfo;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseSession
void function(OrtSession* input) ReleaseSession;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseSessionOptions
void function(OrtSessionOptions* input) ReleaseSessionOptions;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseStatus
void function(OrtStatus* input) ReleaseStatus;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
void function(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* input) ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseTypeInfo
void function(OrtTypeInfo* input) ReleaseTypeInfo;
Undocumented in source.
- ReleaseValue
void function(OrtValue* input) ReleaseValue;
Undocumented in source.
- Run
OrtStatus* function(OrtSession* sess, const(OrtRunOptions)* run_options, const(char*)* input_names, const(OrtValue*)* input, size_t input_len, const(char*)* output_names, size_t output_names_len, OrtValue** output) Run;
Undocumented in source.
- RunOptionsGetRunLogSeverityLevel
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtRunOptions)* options, int* out_) RunOptionsGetRunLogSeverityLevel;
Undocumented in source.
- RunOptionsGetRunLogVerbosityLevel
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtRunOptions)* options, int* out_) RunOptionsGetRunLogVerbosityLevel;
Undocumented in source.
- RunOptionsGetRunTag
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtRunOptions)*, const(char*)* out_) RunOptionsGetRunTag;
Undocumented in source.
- RunOptionsSetRunLogSeverityLevel
OrtStatus* function(OrtRunOptions* options, int value) RunOptionsSetRunLogSeverityLevel;
Undocumented in source.
- RunOptionsSetRunLogVerbosityLevel
OrtStatus* function(OrtRunOptions* options, int value) RunOptionsSetRunLogVerbosityLevel;
Undocumented in source.
- RunOptionsSetRunTag
OrtStatus* function(OrtRunOptions*, const(char)* run_tag) RunOptionsSetRunTag;
Undocumented in source.
- RunOptionsSetTerminate
OrtStatus* function(OrtRunOptions* options) RunOptionsSetTerminate;
Undocumented in source.
- RunOptionsUnsetTerminate
OrtStatus* function(OrtRunOptions* options) RunOptionsUnsetTerminate;
Undocumented in source.
- SessionEndProfiling
OrtStatus* function(OrtSession* sess, OrtAllocator* allocator, char** out_) SessionEndProfiling;
\param out is set to a null terminated string allocated using 'allocator'. The caller is responsible for freeing it.
Profiling is turned ON automatically if enabled for the particular session by invoking EnableProfiling()
on the SessionOptions instance used to create the session.
- SessionGetInputCount
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSession)* sess, size_t* out_) SessionGetInputCount;
To use additional providers, you must build ORT with the extra providers enabled. Then call one of these
functions to enable them in the session:
OrtSessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_<remaining providers...>
The order they care called indicates the preference order as well. In other words call this method
on your most preferred execution provider first followed by the less preferred ones.
If none are called Ort will use its internal CPU execution provider.
- SessionGetInputName
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSession)* sess, size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator, char** value) SessionGetInputName;
\param value is set to a null terminated string allocated using 'allocator'. The caller is responsible for freeing it.
- SessionGetInputTypeInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSession)* sess, size_t index, OrtTypeInfo** type_info) SessionGetInputTypeInfo;
\param out should be freed by OrtReleaseTypeInfo after use
- SessionGetModelMetadata
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSession)* sess, OrtModelMetadata** out_) SessionGetModelMetadata;
\param out is a pointer to the newly created object. The pointer should be freed by calling ReleaseModelMetadata after use.
- SessionGetOutputCount
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSession)* sess, size_t* out_) SessionGetOutputCount;
Undocumented in source.
- SessionGetOutputName
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSession)* sess, size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator, char** value) SessionGetOutputName;
Undocumented in source.
- SessionGetOutputTypeInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSession)* sess, size_t index, OrtTypeInfo** type_info) SessionGetOutputTypeInfo;
\param out should be freed by OrtReleaseTypeInfo after use
- SessionGetOverridableInitializerCount
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSession)* sess, size_t* out_) SessionGetOverridableInitializerCount;
Undocumented in source.
- SessionGetOverridableInitializerName
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSession)* sess, size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator, char** value) SessionGetOverridableInitializerName;
Undocumented in source.
- SessionGetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo
OrtStatus* function(const(OrtSession)* sess, size_t index, OrtTypeInfo** type_info) SessionGetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo;
\param out should be freed by OrtReleaseTypeInfo after use
- SetDimensions
OrtStatus* function(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, const(long)* dim_values, size_t dim_count) SetDimensions;
\param info Created from CreateTensorTypeAndShapeInfo() function
\param dim_values An array with length of dim_count. Its elements can contain negative values.
\param dim_count length of dim_values
- SetInterOpNumThreads
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, int inter_op_num_threads) SetInterOpNumThreads;
Undocumented in source.
- SetIntraOpNumThreads
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, int intra_op_num_threads) SetIntraOpNumThreads;
Undocumented in source.
- SetOptimizedModelFilePath
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, const(wchar_t)* optimized_model_filepath) SetOptimizedModelFilePath;
Undocumented in source.
- SetSessionExecutionMode
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, ExecutionMode execution_mode) SetSessionExecutionMode;
Undocumented in source.
- SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, GraphOptimizationLevel graph_optimization_level) SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel;
Undocumented in source.
- SetSessionLogId
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, const(char)* logid) SetSessionLogId;
Undocumented in source.
- SetSessionLogSeverityLevel
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, int session_log_severity_level) SetSessionLogSeverityLevel;
Undocumented in source.
- SetSessionLogVerbosityLevel
OrtStatus* function(OrtSessionOptions* options, int session_log_verbosity_level) SetSessionLogVerbosityLevel;
Undocumented in source.
- SetTensorElementType
OrtStatus* function(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo*, ONNXTensorElementDataType type) SetTensorElementType;
Undocumented in source.